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Povezanost zadovoljstva nastavom metodike likovne kulture s nekim aspektima obveza studenata i organizacije nastave

Marijana Županić Benić - Prethodno priopćenje

Connection between the satisfaction with art methodology teaching and some aspects of students’ obligations and organisation of teaching

U radu je istražena povezanost između zadovoljstva nastavom iz metodike likovne kulture (MLK) s organizacijom nastave i obvezama studenata. Izdvojeni su samo neki od aspekata organizacije nastave koji u kontekstu ovog istraživanja podrazumijevaju broj studenata na predavanjima i vježbama, a obveze studenata vezane uz studij mjere se brojem izostanaka i njihovim završnim ocjenama. Istraživanje je provedeno na sedam učiteljskih fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj na uzorku od 220 studenata treće godine Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Korelacije su provedene na nezavisnim varijablama završna ocjena, broj izostanaka, broj studenata na predavanjima i vježbama iz MLK i tvrdnji vezanih uz skupne zavisne varijable, od kojih su u statistički značajnoj korelaciji: nastavno posredovanje, praćenje i ocjenjivanje studenata i organizacija nastave MLK. Zadovoljstvo studenata nastavom iz MLK u ovom istraživanju najviše je izraženo putem korelacija nezavisnih varijabli s nastavnim posredovanjem koje podrazumijeva kvalitetnu nastavnikovu izvedbu nastave i suradnički odnos sa studentima. Kao i kod prethodnih istraživanja, veće zadovoljstvo studenata povezano je s radom u manjim skupinama, a i s manjim brojem izostanaka s nastave.

The paper deals with the connection between the satisfaction with Art Methodology Teaching (AMT) and the organisation of teaching and students’ obligations. Only some of the aspects of the organisation of teaching were singled out, which in the context of this research imply the number of students at lectures and exercises, while students’ obligations regarding the study were measured by the number of absences and their final grades. The research was carried out at seven Faculties of Teacher Education in the Republic of Croatia, at the sample of 220 third year students of Early childhood and preschool education. Correlations were carried out between independent variables final grade, number of absences, number of students at AMT lectures and exercises and statements connected with group dependent variables, among which they are in a statistically significant correlation: teaching mediation, monitoring and evaluation of students and the organisation of Art Methodology teaching. The satisfaction of students with Art Methodology Teaching in this research has been mostly expressed through correlations of independent variables with the teaching mediation which implies quality teaching process and collaborative relationship teacher-students. Like in previous studies, both students’ satisfaction and smaller absenteeism were connected with the work in smaller groups.

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