Učinci kružnog djelovanja imidža, zadovoljstva studijem, radne angažiranosti i radnih ponašanja studenata u akademskom okruženju
Ivana Rašan - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Sunčana Tuksar
Luka Mandić
The Influence of Circular Effect of the Faculty Image, Student Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Students Work Behaviour in Academic Environment
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između varijabli doživljaja imidža fakulteta (DIF), zadovoljstva studijem (ZSS), radne angažiranosti studenata (RAS) i njihovih poželjnih (POPS) i nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja (NOPS) da bi se provjerila njihova kružna djelovanja u akademskom okruženju radi mogućnosti postizanja (samo)održivosti visokoškolskih ustanova s obzirom na sve značajniju konkurenciju. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je doživljaj dobrog imidža fakulteta značajan prediktor zadovoljstva, angažiranosti i poželjnih ponašanja studenata. Utvrđeno je da zadovoljstvo u okviru postavljenog modela direktno značajno ne doprinosi poželjnim ponašanjima, ali kad se promatra direktan odnos tih dviju varijabli, učinak je pozitivan. Također, rezultati pokazuju da radna angažiranost značajno učvršćuje vezu između zadovoljstva i poželjnih ponašanja, odnosno posreduje njihov odnos. Zadovoljstvo studijem se pokazalo kao značajan prediktor radne angažiranosti, a uz to je potvrđeno i da je radna angažiranost značajan prediktor poželjnih ponašanja, odnosno potiče njihovu učestalost te pri tome smanjuje učestalost nepoželjnih ponašanja u akademskom okruženju. S obzirom na ostala promatrana obilježja ispitanika (N=689), za odnos pojedinih varijabli utvrđene su razlike vezane uz spol i uz geografska obilježja, odnosno između studenta koji studiraju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i onih koji studiraju na ostalim sveučilištima u RH.
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between the variables of faculty image perception (FIP), students’ satisfaction with studies (SSS), students’ work engagement (SWE), their organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and counterproductive work behaviour (CWB), in order to verify their circular action in the academic environment, due to achieving the selfsustainability of universities regarding increasingly significant competition. The results of the study showed that the experience of good faculty image is a significant predictor of students’ satisfaction with studies satisfaction, work engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour. In addition, it was found that satisfaction with studies within the established model does not contribute significantly to organizational citizenship behaviour, however, when the direct relationship of these two variables is observed, the effect is positive. The results also show that students’ work engagement significantly strengthens the association between satisfaction and organizational behaviour, i.e., mediates their relationship. Satisfaction with studies was found to be a significant predictor of work engagement as it was also confirmed that work engagement is a significant predictor of organizational citizenship behaviour, i.e., promotes and reduces its frequency of counterproductive work behaviours of students in the academic environment. Considering the other observed characteristics of the respondents (N = 689), differences were found for the relationship of each variable in terms of gender and geographical characteristics between students studying at the University of Zagreb and those studying at other universities in RH.
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