Za ili protiv transhumanizma? Stavovi i prediktori transhumanističke teorije i prakse studenata grada Zagreba
Ivana Brstilo Lovrić - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Paula Zujić
For or Against Transhumanism? Attitudes and Predictors of Transhumanist Theory and Practice Among Students of the City of Zagreb
Transhumanizam karakterizira shvaćanje ljudske prirode dinamičnom i fleksibilnom te stoga prijemljivom za različita tehno-znanstvena poboljšanja. U ovom su radu empirijski istraživani stavovi i prediktori među studentima grada Zagreba (N=218) prema transhumanizmu. Iako većina ispitanika nije transhumanistički orijentirana, dio je pristao uz njemu karakteristične koncepcije ljudskoga tijela i svijesti uz otvorenost za više praktičnih poboljšanja. Najznačajnijim prediktorom prihvaćanja transhumanizma kod studenata pokazala se religioznost te prihvaćanje novih tehnologija i svjetonazor, slijedom čega je on profiliran kao sekularni, tehnološki i liberalni fenomen. Doprinos ovoga rada je u aktualiziranju teme o kojoj nema mnogo empirijskih uvida u hrvatskom društvu mapiranjem životno stilskoga obrasca pristalica i protivnika transhumanizma ne samo na teorijskoj, već i praktičnoj razini, čime je promaknut iz znanstvene fantastike u sferu svakodnevice naznačujući skromno, ali ipak prisutno približavanje studenata perspektivi transhumanizma čije društvene implikacije tek treba istražiti.
Transhumanism characterizes the understanding of human nature as dynamic and flexible and therefore receptive to various improvements within technoscientific system. In this paper, transhumanism is empirically researched through attitudes and predictors among students of the city of Zagreb (N=218). Although most respondents were not transhumanist, some of them affirmed its characteristic conceptions of the human body and consciousness, expressing openness to various bodily improvements. The most important predictor of student acceptance of transhumanism was religiosity with the acceptance of new technologies and worldview, which is why transhumanism was profiled as a secular, technological and liberal phenomenon. The contribution of this paper is in actualizing a topic on which there are not many empirical insights in Croatian society by mapping the lifestyle of supporters and opponents of transhumanism not only on a theoretical but also practical level, thus moving from science fiction to everyday life and indicating a modest, yet present, student inclination to the perspective of the transhumanism whose social implications have yet to be addressed.
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