Otkup zarobljenika u židovskom pravu – suočavanje s izazovima 21. stoljeća
Kotel DaDon - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Redemption of Captives in Jewish Law – Confronting the Challenges of the 21st Century
U članku se raspravlja o stavu židovskog prava prema bolnom problemu zarobljeništva. Nažalost, otmice Židova bile su aktualne kroz povijest i zbog toga su mudracima postavljana mnoga pitanja o problemu otkupa zarobljenika, posebno kada su otmičari tražili prevelik otkup. Tako je nastala opsežna rabinska literatura o ovoj temi. Prekomjerni zahtjevi otkupa za židovske taoce do današnjeg su dana okrutno oružje. Dok su u prošlosti od obitelji i zajednica tražena prekomjerna financijska sredstva, danas se Država Izrael suočava s prekomjernom cijenom otkupa u obliku oslobađanja velikog broja terorista. Članak je podijeljen u dva glavna dijela. Prvi dio analizira micvu otkupa zarobljenika i njezinu važnost u judaizmu. U ovoj se raspravi ispituju različiti talmudski propisi koje su mudraci izmijenili za slučajeve kada otmičari traže prevelik otkup te odredbe židovskoga prava o tomu. U drugom se dijelu članka istražuje stajališta židovskoga prava o praktičnim pitanjima otmica vojnika i civila od strane terorističkih organizacija, poput pitanja uključivanja u opasnu operaciju radi spašavanja talaca, statusa različitih dogovora s terorističkim organizacijama o oslobađanju terorista u zamjenu za oslobađanje talaca, otkupa osobe koja je zarobljena zbog svog nemarnog ponašanja i pitanja oslobađanja živih terorista u zamjenu za tijela poginulih osoba. Korišteno je više izvora iz rabinske literature od talmudskih vremena kroz srednji vijek do modernog doba, a velik dio te literature autor je prvi put preveo na hrvatski jezik s hebrejskoga i aramejskog.
In this article, the author discusses the attitude of Jewish law towards the painful problem of captivity. Unfortunately, kidnappings of Jews have been a recurring issue throughout history. As a result, many questions have been addressed to the Sages regarding the ransoming of captives, especially when excessive ransoms were requested by the kidnappers. Therefore, extensive rabbinical literature on this subject has been created. Excessive demands for Jewish hostages remain a harsh weapon to this day. While in the past, excessive financial payments were requested from family members and communities, today the State of Israel is faced with excessive payments in the form of the release of a large number of terrorists. The article is divided into two main parts. The first part analyzes the mitzvah of redeeming captives and its importance in Judaism. In this discussion, the author examines different Talmudic regulations amended by the sages when an excessive ransom is requested by the kidnappers, as well as the rulings of Jewish law. The second part of the article explores the Jewish law rulings on practical questions regarding the kidnapping of soldiers and civilians by terrorist organizations, such as the question of embarking on a dangerous operation for the purpose of rescuing hostages, the status of different deals with terrorist organizations on the release of terrorists in exchange for the release of hostages, the redemption of a person who was captured as a result of his negligent behavior, and the question of freeing live terrorists in exchange for bodies. The author uses many sources from rabbinic literature since Talmudic times through the Middle Ages up to modern times. Much of this literature has been translated into Croatian from Hebrew and Aramaic for the first time by the author.
Naslov: | 01_Otkup zarobljenika u židovskom pravu – suočavanje s izazovima 21. stoljeća.pdf |
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