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Pobačaj u judaizmu – u starozavjetnim spisima, Talmudu, rabinskoj književnosti i u vrijeme holokausta

Kotel Dadon - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Abortion in Judaism – in Biblical Texts, Talmud, Rabbinic Literature and During the Holocaust

Problematika pobačaja sporna je i osjetljiva. Otvara brojna pitanja i nedoumice iz raznih područja, a često je i u fokusu javnosti širom svijeta. U ovom se članku raspravlja o pobačaju u judaizmu. Analizirat će se različiti izvori judaizma koji se bave pitanjem pobačaja, od pisane do usmene Tore, što uključuje literaturu Talmuda, Mišne, Midraše, kao i kasnu rabinsku literaturu. Osim teoretske i analitičke rasprave o apstraktnim principima vezanima uz pobačaj, autor će se osvrnuti i na praktične aspekte, stav židovskoga zakona prema pobačaju u raznim slučajevima – od onih kada su razlozi pobačaja vezani uz majku, kao što su izravna ili neizravna tjelesna ili mentalna opasnost za život majke zbog trudnoće, preko razloga koji su vezani uz fetus, kao što je malformacija fetusa koja je možda uzrokovana majčinim zdravstvenim stanjem ili nekom nasljednom bolešću fetusa, do slučajeva kada je odluka o pobačaju uzrokovana nekim vanjskim čimbenikom, primjerice socioekonomskom situacijom, silovanjem, prostitucijom ili incestom. U završnom se dijelu članka istražuje pitanje pobačaja u vrijeme holokausta.

The issue of abortion is a sensitive and controversial one. It raises questions and dilemmas from many different areas. The issue also often comes up on the public agenda all over the world. This article discusses the status of abortion according to Judaism. In it, the author analyzes various sources of Judaism on the subject of abortion, from the written Torah to the Oral Torah, which includes the literature of the Talmud, the Mishna, the Midrash and late rabbinic literature. In addition to the theoretical and analytical discussion of the abstract principles underlying the issue of abortion, the author deals with the practical aspect, the attitude of Jewish law to abortion in various cases, from cases in which the reasons for the abortion are related to the mother, such as physical or mental danger to the mother’s life, that derive directly or indirectly from the pregnancy to cases where the reason for abortion is related to the fetus, such as a defect in the fetus that could result from the mother’s medical condition or an inherited disease of the fetus or cases where the abortion is caused by an external factor resulting from a socioeconomic situation, rape, prostitution or incest. In the final part of the article, the author explores the issue of abortion during the Holocaust.

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