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Usporedba Montessori i singapurskog modela početne nastave matematike

Ljerka Jukić Matić - Pregledni rad
Sanela Mužar Horvat
Branko Bognar

Comparison of the Montessori and Singaporean Models of Elementary Mathematics Education

U radu se uspoređuju model Montessori i singapurski model početne nastave matematike. Kao elementi usporedbe uzeta su teorijska polazišta, nastavne metode, nastavni materijali, matematički zadatci, uloga učitelja i rezultati istraživanja. Singapurski je model usmjeren na poučavanje učenika koje je dosljedno, pragmatično i prilagođeno matematičkim ciljevima te rješavanju problemskih zadataka, dok u modelu Montessori prevladava samostalna aktivnost i igra uz korištenje specifičnih didaktičkih materijala. Oba modela pomažu učenicima u učenju matematičkih sadržaja na smislen, privlačan, zabavan i interaktivan način, a odlikuju ih bolji obrazovni rezultati učenika u nastavi matematike u odnosu na tradicionalan pristup. Zajedničke sastavnice ovih modela nastave matematike su poštivanje učenikove individualnosti, promjene uloge učenika i učitelja u učenju i poučavanju, korištenje odgovarajućih didaktičkih materijala u procesu učenja. S obzirom na uočene prednosti oba modela imaju svoje mjesto u početnoj nastavi matematike.

This paper compares Montessori and Singaporean models of elementary mathematics education. The comparison includes theoretical starting points, teaching techniques, teaching materials, mathematical activities, the roles of teachers, and research findings. The Singaporean model focuses on teaching students in a manner that is consistent and adapted to mathematical objectives and problem-solving, while in the Montessori model, independent activity and play prevail, with the use of specific didactic materials. Both models facilitate the acquisition of mathematical knowledge in a meaningful, engaging, enjoyable, and interactive manner. Moreover, these models have demonstrated superior educational outcomes compared to conventional approaches in teaching mathematics. Common components of these mathematics teaching models include freedom in curriculum implementation, respect for the uniqueness of each student, and modifications to the roles of students and teachers in the learning process. Additionally, these models emphasize the use of appropriate didactic materials. Considering the observed benefits, we believe that both models have a place in elementary mathematics education.

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