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Izazovi afektivnog obrazovanja

Vesna Buljubašić-Kuzmanović - Pregledni rad
Senka Gazibara

Challenges of affective education

U radu se analizira domaća i strana literatura o afektivnom obrazovanju. Cilj analize usmjeren je na teorijska polazišta afektivnog obrazovanja, njegove kurikulumske perspektive i odgojno-obrazovne implikacije. Rezultati analize pokazali su emocionalnu i socijalnu utemeljenost afektivnog obrazovanja, njegov sukonstruktivan proces razvoja, preventivnu snagu i prediktorsku ulogu unutar osobnog, socijalnog i kulturnog razvoja te akademskih postignuća. Izazovi afektivnog obrazovanja sve su aktualniji unutar humanističke psihologije, kurikulumskih inovacija i razvoja postojeće škole kao most prema humanijem i cjelovitijem obrazovanju.

This paper analyses national and international literature that deals with affective education. The aim of the analysis focuses on theoretical starting points of affective education, its curricular perspectives and educational implications. The results of the analysis indicate the emotional and social foundation of affective education, its co-constructive procedure of development, preventive force and predictive role in regard to personal, social and cultural development, as well as academic achievement. The challenges of affective education are gaining more and more prominence within humanistic psychology, curricular innovations and school development, as paths towards a more humane and holistic education.

Naslov: 6 - Izazovi afektivnog obrazovanja.pdf
Veličina: 136.4 KB

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