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"Pomrčina Boga" u filozofiji Martina Bubera

Julija Prpić  - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Danijel Tolvajčić

Concept of „Eclipse of God“ in the Philosophy of Martin Buber

U ovome radu razmatra se pojam pomrčine Boga (Gottesfinsternis, Eclypse of God) kako ga razumije dijaloški mislilac Martin Buber. Za Bubera je odlučujući moment u nastupanju pomrčine Boga pogrešna pretpostavka da je stupanje u odnos s Bogom zapravo stupanje u odnos čovjeka sa samim sobom. Ta pretpostavka obilježila je misao suvremenog doba uslijed čega je ono postalo ravnodušno, a uvelike i neprijateljski nastrojeno spram mogućnosti neposrednog ljudskog odnosa s božanskim Ti. Upravo to stanje Buber naziva "pomrčinom Boga". Bog je posljedično shvaćen kao najjača ugroza čovjekova bivstvovanja. Nastupa ateizam kao emancipacija višeg čovjeka koji se nastoji osloboditi Božjeg skrbništva. Pitanje za Bubera jest: kamo vodi takvo oslobođenje?
Nakon predstavljanja Buberove misli o tematici, autor rada na kraju nastoji kritički obrazložiti Buberova stajališta te ukazati na nedorečenosti i problematičnost nekih postavki koje ostavljaju prostor daljnjem promišljanju.

Aim of this paper is to elaborate the concept of „Eclypse of God“ as it is understood by „dialogical“ thinker Martin Buber. For Buber, a decisive moment in the occurrence of the eclipse of God was misconception that entering into a relationship with God is actually enter into the relationship of man with himself. This assumption marked the thought of modern age due to which it has become indifferent, and even largely hostile to the possibility of direct relationship between man and the divine You. It is this state that Buber called the “eclipse of God”. God is consequently seen as the strongest threat to human existence. At this point emerges atheism as an emancipation of new man from God. Buber raises a question: What is the outcome of this emancipation?
After presenting Buber’s thought on the subject, the authors of the paper are trying to explain and evaluate Buber’s philosophical position and draw attention to the certain inconsistencies that leave room to further reflection.

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