Challenges in implementation of the subject of Media Literacy in the educational system in Montenegro
Nataša Ružić - Pregledni rad
Izazovi u implementaciji predmeta Medijska pismenost u crnogorski obrazovni sistem
Digital generation spend the majority of their free time consuming various types of media. For this reason, UNESCO warns of the need for media literacy of the youngest population with a view to protect them against media influence, as well as to acquire the habits of efficient use of the media, keeping in mind that the amount of time they spend watching TV or online is constantly increasing from year to year. And while some theoreticians believe that such view is too optimistic due to increasing expansion of media, the others claim that media literacy is giving results since the modern generations are becoming more aware of the manipulation techniques used by media.
In Montenegro, efforts have been made to achieve media literacy of the youth since 2007. The subject of Media Education was introduced to general high schools across Montenegro. Does this mean that Montenegro can boast about having media literate generations? We will try to determine the level of success of this programme through this paper.
Digitalna generacija provodi veći dio svoga slobodnog vremena uz različite vrste medija. Upravo iz tog razloga UNESCO upozorava na nužnost medijskoga opismenjavanja najmlađe populacije s ciljem zaštite od medijskog utjecaja, kao i stjecanja navike učinkovitoga korištenja medija, imajući u vidu da se količina vremena koju mladi provode uz TV ili na Internetu konstantno povećava iz godine u godinu. I dok neki teoretičari izražavaju sumnju u uspjeh programa, drugi tvrde da medijska pismenost daje rezultate jer su mladi postali svjesniji tehnika manipulacije koje mediji koriste. Proces medijskog opismenjavanja u Crnoj Gori je počeo 2007. godine. Znači li to da se Crna Gora može pohvaliti medijski pismenim generacijama? Ovim se radom pokušava odgovoriti na postavljeno pitanje i utvrditi uspješnost programa u Crnoj Gori.
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