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Pojam žalovanja kod Rolanda Barthesa i Jacquesa Derride

Matej Vidaković - Pregledni rad

The Concept of Mourning in Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida

Ovaj članak prikazuje pojam žalovanja kako je on prisutan u djelu "Dnevnik korote" Rolanda Barthesa i u tekstu Jacquesa Derride "Ovnovi. Neprekinuti dijalog: između dvije vječnosti, pjesma". Derridin tekst je baziran na predavanju održanom kao posmrtni govor upućen Derridinom prijatelju, filozofu Hansu-Georgu Gadameru. Misli iznesene u tom tekstu, u ovom su članku uklopljene u širu sliku Derridinih promišljanja o gubitku i smrti, budući da su to neke od tema kojima se stalno vraćao u svom radu. Jedan od ciljeva iznošenja ovoga proširenog pogleda jest predstavljanje tog pomalo zanemarenog područja unutar Barthesova i Derridina djelovanja na način na koji je naznačeno u primarnim tekstovima. Drugi cilj je skretanje pozornosti na sljedeću tezu: Derrida i Barthes dvije su strane iste medalje – dvije različite struje u razmišljanju o gubitku, koroti i neponovljivosti iskustva Drugoga, a koje se međusobno nadopunjuju i mogu se podvesti pod dva arhetipa: sizifovski i atlantski.

This article depicts the concept of mourning as it is depicted in Roland Barthes’ Mourning Diary and Jacques Derrida’s "Rams: Uninterrupted Dialogue between Two Infinities, the Poem". Derrida’s discourse is based on a lecture given as an obituary given to his friend, philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. The article incorporates Derrida’s thoughts in this text in his broader reflections on loss and death, since those are some of the topics he kept returning to in his work. One of the objectives of this expanded view is to present these somewhat neglected areas of Barthes’s and Derrida’s opuses as elaborated in the primary texts. The other objective is to bring the following thesis forward: Derrida and Barthes represent two sides of the same coin, two different streams of thought about loss, mourning and the unrepeatability of the experience of the Other. Their ways of thinking about these topics can complement each other and be subsumed under two archetypes: Sisyphus and the Antlanteans.

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