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Globalna kršćanska misija i povratak Efrajima - Neke egzegetske mogućnosti za tumačenje Rimljanima 11, 25-26

Irena Petrović - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Ksenija Magda

Global Christian Mission and the Return of Efraim: Some Exegetical Possibilities of Romans 11:26

Tema ovog rada je razmišljanje o pitanju što za Pavla znači očekivanje u Poslanici Rimljanima 11, 26 da će »sav Izrael biti spašen« i na koji način to spasenje može ovisiti o prethodnom ulasku »punog broja pogana«. Povezujući blagoslov, koji je Efrajim, Josipov sin iz braka sa strankinjom, primio od svog djeda Izraela, s poviješću naroda Izraela i njegova Saveza s Bogom, te s nekim eshatološkim proroštvima o povratku naroda, može se zaključiti da kontekstualizacijom proročkih tekstova u vlastiti kontekst, Pavao svoju misiju poganima možda vidi kao službu izgubljenim Izraelovim plemenima. Oni su sada »veliko mnoštvo« stopljeno s narodima i tek »povratkom naroda« koji se događa njihovom evangelizacijom, »sav se Izrael spašava«.

The subject of this deliberation is the question about Paul’s understanding of the expectation in Romans 11:26 that ‘All Israel will be saved’. It is also to investigate how this relates to the earlier claim in the chapter about the ‘coming in of the full number of Gentiles.’ The blessing which Ephraim, Joseph’s younger son from the marriage with a foreigner, received from his grandfather Israel, is connected with the history of Israel, the nation, and its Covenant with God. The use of some other prophetic eschatological utterances about Israel’s return from captivity, a conclusion is being made, that through the contextualisation of these prophetic texts into his own missionary context and problem, Paul, understands his mission to the Gentiles as also a ministry to the lost tribes of Israel. These are now the ‘great multitude’ that has melted with nations, and only in the ‘coming in’ of the Gentiles – that is of the ethne, the nations – which is being conducted through the Gospel ministry to the ends of the earth, also ‘all Israel’ is being reached.

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