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Autorstvo »Paše duhovne«

Pavao Knezović - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Authorship of the Prayer Paša duhovna /Spiritual Pasture/

Biskup fra Rafo Barišić, dok se nalazio u Rimu zbog spora s upravom provincije Bosne srebrene, sakupio je nekoliko knjižica na talijanskom i latinskom jeziku (prvenstveno onih koje donose molitve za čije su moljenje razne oproste dali pojedini pape) i, uz pomoć svoga tajnika fra Marka Kalamuta, sastavio je molitvenu knjigu nazvanu »Paša duhovna« (Rim, 1842.) koju je narod jednostavno nazivao »Biskupova knjiga«. U njezinu predgovoru (str. 5-15) Barišić je obradio gotovo potpun program ilirskog preporoda. Međutim, u ovom se radu nastoji pružiti suvisao odgovor zbog čega se u svim biografijama »Pašu duhovnu« navodi među Barišićevim glavnim djelima, iako neki navode da je to prijevod. Međutim, samo desetak što kraćih, što dužih pjesama, oko 640 stihova, jest ispjevao fra Rafo Barišić. Učinio je to jer je znao da se njegovu puku sviđaju stihovi pa se i on okušao u stvaranju sakralne poezije. K tome treba imati na umu da svatko tko je znao čitati, morao je to činiti naglas da bi i neuki puk naučio što se nalazi u »Biskupovoj knjizi«. Svakako da su za recitiranje prikladniji stihovi nego proza. Barišić je bio slab pjesnik i čini se da je svu snagu »potrošio« na stvaranje rime (koja je posvuda pravilna) i teološki ispravnog sadržaja. Ipak treba reći da se u tim Barišićevim osmeračkim pjesmama nalaze mnogi veoma dobri distisi.

While in Rome due to the dispute he had with the authority of the province Bosnia Argentum, bishop friar Rafo Barišić had collected a few booklets in Italian and Latin (primarily, he collected booklets containing prayers for which different popes were giving forgiveness) and with the assistance of his secretary friar Marko Kalamut compiled a booklet of prayers entitled Spiritual Pasture (Rome, 1842), which was popularly referred to as Bishop’s book. In the foreword (p 5-15) Barišić elaborated upon the entire programme of the Illyrian Movement. However, this paper will propose the solid reasoning on why Spiritual Pasture has been considered one of Barišić’s main works by many biographers, even though some of them have referred to it as a translation. Nevertheless, only a dozen shorter and longer poems, approximately 640 verses, were composed by friar Rafo Barišić. Having in mind that his congregation/people liked poems, he made an attempt to create sacral poetry. Thereto, it is worth noting that any literate person had to read aloud so that illiterate people could learn things from the Bishop’s book. It is definitely more appropriate to recite verses than prose. Barišić was a weak poet and it seems that he put all his strength into making up rhymes (which are perfect) and delivering theologically exact content. None the less, it should be pointed out that Barišić’s octameter poems are comprised of numerous solid couplets.

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