Odnos totalitarnog refleksa postmodernog doba prema religiji
Vlaho Kovačević - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Lea Milošić
Dino Rušinović
The Relationship of Totalitarian Reflection of the Post-modern era to Religion
U ovom radu se postavlja sociološki problem religijskog opredjeljenja u odnosu na političku korektnost radi postizanja razumijevanja postmodernog doba prema religiji. Historijski se u radu uvažavaju problemi totalitarizma i sklonost religije da padne u totalitarni društveni koncept, izgubivši tako svoju eshatološku i duhovnu bit i tako bude antipod političkoga, kao što je bilo slučajeva u povijesti moderne. Pokušavajući prikazati različite načine na koje se religija proučavala, te se i danas proučava, dajemo prednost razumijevanju i analizi političke korektnosti prema religijskom opredjeljenju koliko je to potrebno unutar fenomenologijsko-hermeneutičkog kruga religijskog vidika. Bit te analize kritički produbljuje religijski (i svaki drugi društveni) fenomen i ne dopušta da se on svodi jedino na imanentnu sociološku razinu prema sustavu religije i posebno sustavu politike koji, usprkos političkoj korektnosti »posmoderne politike«, ima imanentnu i tako ograničenu viziju. Pojmovni instrumentarij totalitarizma u ovom radu prvenstveno analiziramo referirajući se na autore koji sociološki i filozofski analiziraju probleme moderne i postmoderne, posebno odnos religije i političke korektnosti u kontekstu »neo-totalitarizma«. Tako se u radu analizira sociološki put k »otvorenosti« postmodernoga u kontekstu društvenih teoretičara »razumijevajuće sociologije« Maxa Webera, najranijih članova čikaškog sociološkog odjela, Thomasa Williama, postmoderne Jeana-Françoisa Lyotarda, Frankfurtske škole kritičke teorije, Thedora Adorna, Maxa Horkheimera i Jürgena Habermasa.
This paper raises the sociological problem of religious orientation in relation to political correctness with the aim of achieving post-modern era to religion. Historically, the problems of totalitarianism and the tendency of religion to fall into the totalitarian social concept are lost in history, thus losing their eschatological and spiritual essence and thus antipodal to the political, as has been the case in modern history. Trying to show the different ways in which religion is studied and still being studied, we give an advantage to understanding and analysing political correctness toward religious orientation as necessary within the phenomenological-hermeneutic circle of religious vision. The essence of this analysis critically deepens the religious (and every other) phenomenon and does not allow it to fall only to the immanent sociological level of the system of religion, and especially to the system of politics which, despite the political correctness of ‘posh-modern politics’, has an immanent and so limited vision. The conceptual instrument of totalitarianism in this paper is primarily analysed by referring to authors who sociologically and philosophically analyse the problems of modern and postmodern, especially the relation of religion and political correctness in the context of ‘neo – totalitarianism’. Thus, the paper analyses the sociological path to the ‘openness’ of the postmodern in the context of social theorists of “understandable sociology” of Max Weber, the earliest members of the Chicago sociological department, Thomas William, postmodern Jeana-Françoise Lyotard, Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Jürgen Habermas.
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