Pripovijest o Davidu i Bat-Šebi prema rabinskoj literaturi
Kotel DaDon - Izvorni znanstveni članak
The Story of David and Bat Sheba According to Rabbinic Literature
Autor uz pomoć rabinske literature analizira jednu od najzanimljivijih pripovijesti iz Biblije, onu o kralju Davidu i Bat-Šebi. Kralj David bio je vladar, duhovni vođa, pjesnik koji je spjevao Psalme, velik poznavatelj Tore, začetnik židovske kraljevske dinastije, a prema židovskoj tradiciji, jedan od njegovih potomaka bit će čak i Mesija. No, prema biblijskoj pripovijesti, očito je da je David teško griješio, počinivši grijeh preljuba i umorstva nedužna čovjeka. Takvi grijesi ne odgovaraju slici koju imamo o njemu. Rad nastoji na temelju rabinske literature objasniti što se zapravo dogodilo u ovoj pripovijesti. Je li kralj David doista tako sagriješio? Nakon uvoda slijedi biblijska pripovijest, a potom tumačenje Mudraca o vezi kralja Davida i Bat-Šebe te rasprava o odnosu Urije i Bat-Šebe i o pitanju preljuba. Slijedi analiza grijeha i kazne te raznih pitanja koja nastaju kao posljedica toga grijeha. U svom istraživanju autor se služi raznovrsnim izvorima rabinske književnosti, koji su nastajali od vremena Talmuda, preko srednjega vijeka sve do modernih vremena. Velik dio te literature prvi se put ovdje objavljuje u autorovu prijevodu s hebrejskoga i aramejskog jezika na hrvatski jezik.
In this article the author analyses one of the most interesting stories in the Bible, the affair of King David and Bat-Sheba according to sources from rabbinic literature. King David was a king, a spiritual lider, composer of Psalms, a great Torah scholar, the progenitor of the Jewish kingly dynasty and, according to the Jewish tradition, even the Messiah is supposed to be his descendant. However, according to the biblical story, David sinned severely. He committed sins of adultery and murder of an innocent, sins that don’t fit his image. The main task of this work is to explain, based on rabbinic literature, what exactly happened. Did king David fall from heavenly hights into a deep pit? The first part of the article consists of a general introduction, followed by a review of the biblical episode. The central part of this article is the Sages’ interpretation of king David and Bat Sheba affair, discussing the relationship between Uriah and Bat Sheba and the question of the adultery, followed by an analysis of the sin and punishment and various questions it raises. The author uses many sources from the rabbinical literature since Talmudic times through the middle Ages until modern times. Much of this literature is translated into Croatian from Hebrew and Aramaic for the first time by the author.
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