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The Church as the new Family of God

Paweł Rabczyński - Pregledni rad

Crkva kao nova Božja obitelj

Jesus founded His Church as the new family of God by instituting the Twelve. The new family is a real space which fulfils the Kingdom of God. It is a community of Jesus’ disciples which fosters the rule of God in the world and has an explicitly institutional dimension. The founding of the new family fulfils the promise to create the new Israel made in the Old Testament. The ethos of the new family of God is aimed at proclaiming the universal reign of God, as it is the mission bestowed on the family by Jesus. Its moral principles were laid out in the Sermon on the Mount. The new family of God is a space where all the promises made by God to Israel come to fulfilment. In this sense, we can speak of continuity between the nation of Israel and the Ecclesia. The Church does not replace the people of the Old Testament but is a continuation thereof in Jesus Christ.

Isus je svoju Crkvu utemeljio kao Božju obitelj osnivanjem zbora Dvanaestorice. Ova nova obitelj je zbiljski prostor u kojem se ostvaruje Božje kraljevstvo. To je zajednica Isusovih učenika koja podupire Božju vladavinu u svijetu te ima izrazito institucionalnu dimenziju. Osnivanje nove obitelji ispunjava starozavjetno obećanje o stvaranju novoga Izraela. Etos ili model ponašanja za novu Božju obitelj jest naviještanje univerzalne Božje vladavine, a to je poslanje koje je Isus povjerio ovoj obitelji. Njezina moralna načela postavljena su u Govoru na gori. Nova Božja obitelj je prostor na kojem se ispunjavaju sva Božja obećanja Izraelu. U tom smislu možemo govoriti o kontinuitetu između Izraela i Crkve (Kahal – Ecclesia). Crkva ne nadomješta starozavjetni narod Božji nego ga nastavlja u Isusu Kristu.

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