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The Theme of Love in Various Pedagogical Concepts

Maja Hmelak - Pregledni rad
Karakuma Samai

Tematika ljubavi u različitim pedagoškim konceptima

The theme of love throughout history appears in many pedagogical concepts, where it has been researched in detail by various pedagogical theorists and practitioners, and many have also included it in their educational concepts. It is important from the point of view of the child and his involvement in the educational process itself and for proper introduction into the process itself, it requires an empathetic and professionally trained teacher and educator. Through a review of numerous scientific and professional works, the authors investigated the occurrence of the theme of love and found that it appears in many pedagogical concepts. These were presented in detail, critically evaluated and professionally analyzed and compared. They also found that the role of the teacher and educator and their example, which students and children follow, is crucial for the introduction of the theme of love.

Tema ljubavi se kroz povijest nalazi u mnogim pedagoškim konceptima gdje su je detaljno istraživali razni pedagoški teoretičari i praktičari, a mnogi su je također uključili u svoje odgojno-obrazovne koncepte. Važna je s gledišta djeteta i njegove uključenosti u sam odgojno-obrazovni proces, a za pravilno uvođenje ljubavi u sam proces potreban je empatičan i stručno osposobljen učitelj i odgajatelj. Pregledom brojnih znanstvenih i stručnih radova autorice su istražile uključenost teme ljubavi i utvrdile da se ona pojavljuje u brojnim pedagoškim konceptima. Ti su koncepti detaljno predstavljeni, kritički su vrednovani te stručno analizirani i uspoređeni. Autorice su također utvrdile da je za uvođenje teme ljubavi presudna uloga učitelja i odgajatelja i njihov primjer kojeg učenici i djeca slijede.

Naslov: The_Theme_of_Love_in_Various_Pedagogical_Concepts.pdf
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