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Povezanost između obilježja partnerskih sukoba s doživljajem emocionalnog sagorijevanja i procjenom budućnosti partnerske veze

Slavica Blažeka Kokorić - Prethodno priopćenje
Gordana Stolfa

The Correlation between the Characteristics of Conflicts in Partner Relationships, the Experience of Emotional Burnout and Assessment of the Future of the Partner Relationship

U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj utvrditi postoji li povezanost između obilježja partnerskih sukoba s doživljajem emocionalnog sagorijevanja i procjenom budućnosti partnerske veze. Podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom na uzorku od 149 osoba koje su radi teškoća u partnerskom odnosu uključene u psihosocijalno savjetovanje. U analizi podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika, hi-kvadrat test, t-test te Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati su pokazali da veći stupanj izraženosti neslaganja u partnerskom odnosu korelira s manjom spremnošću na aktivno ulaganje u odnos, s češćim emocionalnim sagorijevanjem i odustajanjem od odnosa. Utvrđeno je da učestalije efikasno rješavanje sukoba i sposobnost razrješavanja sukoba korelira s većom spremnošću na aktivno ulaganje u odnos te s manjim emocionalnim sagorijevanjem i odustajanjem od odnosa. Češća iskustva s negativnim ishodima sukobljavanja u obliku produbljivanja sukoba povezana su s češćim doživljajem emocionalnog sagorijevanja i odustajanjem od partnerskog odnosa. Zaključno se ističe važnost dostupnosti različitih usluga profesionalne podrške usmjerene na pravovremeno, konstruktivno razrješavanje partnerskih sukoba, prevenciju emocionalnog sagorijevanja i nestabilnost partnerskog odnosa.

The paper presents the results of research aimed at determining whether there is a correlation between the characteristics of conflicts in partner relationships and experience of emotional burnout and assessment of the future of the partner relationship. Data was collected by means of a survey questionnaire administered to the sample of 149 persons who were involved in psychosocial counselling due to difficulties in their partner relationships. The survey questionnaire consisted of the following measurement instruments: The Questionnaire on the Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Research Participants, the Questionnaire on Marital Burnout, the Questionnaire on the Future of the Partner Relationship and the Conflicts and Problem-solving Scales. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used in data analysis. The research results showed that persons involved in counselling due to difficulties in their partner relationship often experience emotional burnout in the partner relationship, namely on a weekly basis, and that they express an ambivalent attitude towards the future of the relationship. In doing so, they are equally ready for further active investment in the relationship, as well as for withdrawing from the relationship. There are not significant differences between men and women in assessment of emotional burnout and the future of the partner relationship, nor in assessment of the frequency of minor and major conflicts in the partner relationship. The largest percentage of research participants, namely 29.73%, experience minor conflicts in their partner relationship almost every day, while 26.35% experience them on a weekly basis and 27.03% on a monthly basis. Regarding major conflicts in the partner relationship, 6.80% of participants experience them almost every day, while 21.77% of participants experience them on a weekly basis and 20.41% on a monthly basis. A quarter of participants (23.13%) report experiencing major conflicts once per year or even less frequently. Participants in this research assess that their conflicts more often result in the conflicts becoming more profound than in conflict resolution. The results of the correlation analysis showed that a higher degree of disagreement in a partner relationship correlates with a lower willingness to actively invest in the relationship, with more frequent emotional burnout and withdrawal from the relationship. Furthermore, it has been found that more frequent efficient conflict resolution and conflict resolution capability correlates with a greater willingness to actively invest in a relationship and with a lesser degree of emotional burnout and withdrawal from the relationship. More frequent experiences with negative conflict outcomes in the form of the conflict becoming more profound are associated with a more frequent experience of emotional burnout and more frequent withdrawal from the partner relationship. In conclusion, the paper emphasises the importance of further development and greater availability of professional services aimed at providing support to partners in terms of constructive resolution of their conflicts in order to prevent the occurrence of emotional burnout and instability of partner relationships in a timely manner.

Naslov: Povezanost izmedu obiljezja partnerskih sukoba s dozivljajem emocionalnog sagorijevanja i procjenom buducnosti partnerske veze.pdf
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