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Razlike u školskom uspjehu učenika osnovne škole s obzirom na pohađanje programa produženog boravka

Ivana Olujić - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Nevenka Maras

The Differences in School Achievement of Lower-Grade Elementary School Students Depending on Whether they Attend the Extended School Day Program

Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u školskom uspjehu učenika s obzirom na pohađanje produženog boravka. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 386 učenika (N=386) prvih pet razreda Osnovne škole Većeslava Holjevca u Zagrebu. Korišten je sekundaran izvor podataka, odnosno rad na pedagoškoj dokumentaciji. Korištene su ocjene iz hrvatskog jezika, matematike i prosjek svih ocjena na kraju školske godine 2017./2018. te podaci o pohađanju produženog boravka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da učenici koji prva tri razreda pohađaju produženi boravak postižu statistički značajno bolje ocjene iz hrvatskog (p = 0,00), matematike (p = 0,03) i bolji prosjek ocjena (p = 0,00), nego učenici koji ne idu u boravak. Nadalje, rezultati upućuju na to da učenici koji su pohađali boravak, bolje ocjene zadržavaju i u četvrtom te petom razredu. Dobiveni rezultati svakako potiču na promišljanje o dostupnosti programa produženog boravka svim učenicima koji to žele, neovisno o zaposlenosti njihovih roditelja.

The extended school day program is a special form of educational work with lower-grade elementary school students. The aim of this survey was to determine the differences in students’ school achievement, depending on whether they attend the extended school day program or not. The survey included 386 first- to fifth-grade students (N=386) in the Većeslav Holjevac Elementary School in Zagreb. For the purposes of this paper, a secondary data source was used, i.e. pedagogical research results. Grades in the Croatian language, mathematics and the grade point average at the end of the 2017/2018 school year were assessed, as well as attendance of the extended school day program. The results of the survey indicate that students who attend the extended school day program in the first three grades achieve statistically significantly better grades in the Croatian language (0,00) mathematics (0,03) and have a better grade point average (0,00) than students who do not attend the program. Furthermore, the results indicate that students who attended the extended school day program retain better grades in the fourth and fifth grade, compared to their peers who did not attend the program. The results certainly encourage reflection on the availability of extended school day program to all students who are interested in attending it, regardless of their parents’ working hours.

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