»Sanctity of life« as a familiological issue in the statements of Pope Francis
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz - Pregledni rad
»Svetost života« kao obiteljsko pitanje u izjavama pape Franje
The article presents a theological analysis of Pope Francis’ statements on the sanctity of life with reference to familiological issues. The aim of the research undertaken is to show the value of human life resulting from the relationship between the elements that create the created reality and with God. According to Francis, holiness is closeness to God and the ‘divine space’ in which all creation exists and functions. The sanctity of »life« is shown by the Pope in the following aspects: 1) theological – as an expression of the integration of creation with God, 2) social – as the principle of existence and relations, and 3) defensive – as an imperative to defend the life of every human being. The family is presented by the Pope as a sanctuary of life, a place of sanctifying love and a school of holiness. The conclusions resulting from the theological analysis of papal statements indicate the need for a ‘familiological turn’ encompassing the space of culture and civilization of the contemporary world. Such a turn is necessary for the good of the man for whom the family is the first social circle. The sanctity of life in the familiological area is the principle that defines the sacredness of the family and the determinant of intra-family relationships that develop love.
Članak je teološka analiza izjava pape Franje o svetosti života s osvrtom na familiološka pitanja. Cilj provedenog istraživanja je pokazati vrijednost ljudskog života koji proizlazi iz odnosa između elemenata koji čine stvorenu stvarnost i odnosa s Bogom. Prema papi Franji, svetost je blizina Bogu i »božanskom prostoru « u kojem sve stvorenje postoji i funkcionira. »Svetost života« papa Franjo pokazuje u sljedećim aspektima: 1) teološki – kao izraz integracije stvaranja s Bogom, 2) socijalni – kao načelo postojanja i odnosa i 3) obrambeni – kao imperativ obrane života svakog čovjeka. Obitelj je Papa predstavio kao utočište života, mjesto posvećenja ljubavi i školu svetosti. Zaključci proizašli iz teološke analize Papinih izjava ukazuju na potrebu za »familiološkim zaokretom« koji obuhvaća prostor kulture i civilizacije suvremenog svijeta. Takav je zaokret nužan za dobro muškarca kojem je obitelj prvi društveni krug. Svetost života na familiološkom području načelo je koje definira svetost obitelji i odrednicu unutarobiteljskih odnosa koji razvijaju ljubav.
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