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Metafizičke implikacije smrti Boga u misli Friedricha Nietzschea

Daniel Miščin - Prethodno priopćenje
Tomislav Bunoza

Metaphysical Implications of the Death of God in the Thought of Friedrich Nietzsche

Polazeći od uvjerenja da svojim navještajem smrti Boga u 125. fragmentu »Radosne znanosti« Nietzsche nije prevratnik koji izgovara dotad nečuvenu novost nego svojevrstan dijagnostičar duha vremena u kojemu se ta objava pojavljuje, u članku se analiziraju tri temeljne metafizičke implikacije te objave. To su: volja za moć, perspektivizam i bez-zavičajnost. Promatrajući te implikacije u njihovu odnosu prema cjelini Nietzscheova opusa i njegovim temeljnim idejama, može se ustvrditi da su one međusobno koherentne. Treća od tih metafizičkih implikacija, bez-zavičajnost pokazuje se kao simbolički i stvarno najvažnijom od triju metafizičkih implikacija Nietzscheove objave smrti Boga. Korijeni povezivanja bez-zavičajnosti s idejom smrti Boga mogu se prepoznati i u često previđanoj Nietzscheovoj ranoj lektiri, tj. njegovoj sklonosti djelima Jeana Paula, književnika njemačkog romantizma.

The article is rooted in the premise that, with his proclamation of the death of God in the 125th fragment of The Gay Science, Nietzsche is not a subversive who breaks the news no one had heard before. He is more like a diagnostician of the spirit of the time in which that revelation has appeared. In that context, the article analyzes three fundamental metaphysical implications of this revelation. These are: the will to power, perspectivism and metaphysical homelessness. Observing these implications in their relation to the whole of Nietzsche’s oeuvre and its fundamental ideas, it can be argued that they are mutually coherent. The third of these metaphysical implications, homelessness, proves to be symbolic and actually the most important of the three. The roots of connecting the metaphysical homelessness with the idea of God’s death can also be recognized in Nietzsche’s often overlooked early reading, i.e. his affinity for the works of Jean Paul, the writer of German Romanticism.

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