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Zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece u dječjoj književnosti: Matildin slučaj

Ivana Milković - Pregledni rad

Child Abuse and Neglect in Children’s Literature: Matilda’s Case

U radu se analiziraju glavni i sporedni likovi romana Matilda Roalda Dahla. Razmatraju se osobine i postupci Matilde, glavnoga lika, iz perspektive zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece u dječjoj književnosti. Izdvajaju se primjeri različitih oblika posrednoga i neposrednoga fizičkoga i emocionalnoga zlostavljanja, te zanemarivanja navedenih u djelu. Matilda kao junakinja razvija svoje intelektualne sposobnosti do razine u kojoj oni postaju fantastičan element priče i tako rješava nepovoljnu situaciju u kojoj se nalazi. Matilda je aktivan i glavni akter svojega djetinjstva i neustrašivo preuzima odgovornost za svoje sretno djetinjstvo. Analizira se i uloga sporednih likova. Odrasli likovi su ili zlostavljači pa ih treba kazniti ili pak sami svojevoljno ostaju ravnodušnima prema zlostavljanju, pa im nije posvećena gotovo nikakva pažnja. Djecu, kao žrtve zlostavljanja, karakteriziraju dva tipa odnosa prema zlostavljačima. Jedan tip su djeca žrtve nasilja koje paralizira strah od zlostavljača. Drugi tip su djeca koja se na sve moguće načine bore protiv zlostavljača i pokušavaju ga pobijediti. U drugi tip ubrajamo i Matildu, kojoj je dana tolika intelektualna moć i duhovna snaga da ona ni u jednom trenu ne posumnja u negativnost postupaka zlostavljanja. Sigurna je u svoj put te naposljetku u potpunosti preuzima ulogu junakinje, ne samo u svom životu, već i u svojoj okolini.

This paper analyses the main and secondary characters in Matilda written by Roald Dahl. Matilda’s characteristics and actions are investigated from a perspective of child abuse and neglect in children’s literature. Examples of different direct and indirect physical and emotional abuses are presented, as well as examples of neglect found in the book. Matilda, the main character and a heroine, develops her intellect to the point when they represent fantastic elements of the story, only to solve her own problematic situation. Matilda, in some cases portrayed as a modern Cinderella, has an active and the most important role in her own childhood, which she takes on without fear. Secondary characters and their role in Matilda’s confrontation to abusers are analysed together with fantastic elements which are needed for Matilda’s final triumph over abuse. Adult characters in the story are either abusers or indifferent towards the abuse. Children, as victims, react to abuse in two ways: as victims traumatized and paralysed by the fear and horror of the abuse that see no way out of the situation, or as victims who fight with all resources at their disposal to conquer and defeat their abusers. Matilda falls into the latter category. Her resourcefulness, intellect and spirit fuel her in her strong belief that abuse is not right. She is so sure in her own path and won’t let negative thoughts to influence her. In the end she truly conquers evil with her own efforts and becomes a true heroine not only in her own life, but also in her surroundings, fulfilling conditions for a happy childhood.

Naslov: 6_Zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece u dječjoj književnosti_Matildin slučaj.pdf
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