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Stavovi studenata o primjeni animalističkih motiva u suvremenom kurikulumu likovne i glazbene kulture

Marija Brajčić - Izvorni znanstveni članak
Dubravka Kuščević
Snježana Dobrota

Students’ Attitudes on the Application of Animalistic Motifs in the Contemporary Curriculum of Visual Art and Music

Problematikom korištenja animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture bavio se relativno malen broj autora. Stoga se u radu ispituju stavovi studenata o primjeni animalistike u nastavi glazbene i likovne kulture, stavovi o dobrobiti korištenja animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture za sveukupan razvoj učenika te razlike u stavovima studenata o primjeni animalistike u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture s obzirom na vrstu završene srednje škole, godinu studija i posjedovanje kućnog ljubimca. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online ankete u listopadu 2022. godine na uzorku od 221 sudionika, studenata od prve do pete godine Učiteljskog studija u Splitu, Osijeku, Puli, Rijeci i Zadru. Za potrebe istraživanja autorice su konstruirale poseban upitnik. Rezultati potvrđuju da studenti imaju pozitivne stavove prema korištenju animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture te pozitivne stavove o dobrobiti korištenja animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture za sveukupan razvoj učenika. Nije utvrđen značajan interakcijski učinak završene srednje škole i godine studija na stavove studenata prema korištenju animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne kulture. Što se tiče nastave glazbene kulture, ni ovdje nije utvrđena razlika u stavovima studenata prema korištenju animalističkih motiva s obzirom na vrstu završene srednje škole, ali postoji razlika u stavovima studenata s obzirom na godinu studija, pri čemu stariji studenti imaju pozitivnije stavove prema korištenju animalističkih motiva u nastavi glazbene kulture. Konačno, nije uočena razlika između stavova studenata prema korištenju animalističkih motiva u nastavi likovne i glazbene kulture s obzirom na posjedovanje kućnog ljubimca, ali postoji razlika u navedenim stavovima s obzirom na procjenu dobrobiti korištenja takvih motiva za sveukupan razvoj učenika.

A relatively small number of authors dealt with the problem of using animal motifs in teaching visual art and music. Therefore, the paper examines the attitudes of students on the application of animal studies in the teaching of visual arts and music, the attitudes on the benefit of using animalistic motifs in the teaching of visual art and music for the overall development of students, and the differences in the attitudes of students on the application of animal studies in the teaching of visual art and music concerning type of high school completed, year of study and ownership of a pet. The research was conducted through an online survey, in October 2022, on a sample of 221 participants, students of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth years of Teacher studies from Split, Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, and Zadar. For research purposes, the authors constructed a special questionnaire. The results confirm that students have positive attitudes towards the use of animalistic motifs in the teaching of visual art and music and positive attitudes about the benefits of using animalistic motifs in the teaching of visual art and music for the overall development of students. No significant interaction effect of completed high school and year of study was determined on students’ attitudes towards using animalistic motifs in visual art classes. As for the teaching of music, there is no difference in the attitudes of students towards the use of animalistic motifs concerning the type of secondary school completed, but there is a difference in the attitudes of students concerning the year of study, whereby older students have more positive attitudes towards the use of animalistic motifs in the teaching of music. Finally, no difference was observed between students’ attitudes towards animalistic motifs concerning pet ownership in visual art and music classes. Still, there is a difference in the stated attitudes regarding assessing the benefits of using such motifs for the overall development of students.

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