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Važnost i aktualnost tragične misli u kontekstu starih i novih ideologija progresa

Ivica Šola - Izvorni znanstveni članak

The Importance and Actuality of Tragic Thought in the Context of Old and New Ideologies of Progress

Počevši s renesansom i humanizmom te optimističnom slikom ljudske slobode i autonomnog djelovanja, razvile su se na Zapadu različite ideologije progresa i politički projekti koji vjeruju da je zlo posljedica društvenih okolnosti promjenom kojih nestaje i zlo. Sve su se te ideologije pokazale kao zablude. U ovom radu, stoga, donosimo, kroz prizmu tragične misli inspirirane kršćanstvom, moguću korekciju kao i uzroke propasti tih zabluda na optimističnoj matrici ljudske slobode i autonomije. Poseban naglasak stavljamo na misao Nikolaja Berdjajeva u odnosu između drame i tragedije u povijesti i metafizičke drame te kompleksniji, metafizički pristup ljudskoj slobodi i zlu. U zaključku donosimo kritiku imanentizama koji su bili pretočeni u optimistične političke projekte koji su, zbog svoje (radikalne) antimetafizičnosti i antireligioznosti, zanemarujući dubinu problema zla, boreći se protiv njega, u ime »plemenitih ciljeva«, doveli do još većeg zla.

Starting with the Renaissance and Humanism and the optimistic image of human freedom and autonomous actions, various ideologies of progress and political projects have developed in the West, which believe that evil is the result of social circumstances that, when they change, evil disappears. All these ideologies turned out to be delusions. In this work, therefore, the author brings, through the prism of tragic thought inspired by Christianity, a possible correction as well as the causes of the downfall of those misconceptions on the optimistic matrix of human freedom and autonomy. Special emphasis is placed on the thought of Nikolay Berdjajev in the relationship between drama and tragedy in history and metaphysical drama and a more complex, metaphysical approach to human freedom and evil. In conclusion, the author criticizes the immanentism that were translated into optimistic political projects that, due to their (radical) anti-metaphysics and anti-religiosity, ignoring the depth of the problem of evil, fighting against it, in the name of »noble goals«, led to even greater evil.

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