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Izazovi utilitarističkog razumijevanja religije

Saša Horvat - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Challenges of the Utilitarian Understanding of Religion

Polazeći od pojma utilitarističkog razumijevanja religije, rad analizira odabrane suvremene teorije koje nastoje objasniti ljudsku religioznost, ističući temeljno pitanje tih pokušaja – pitanje o koristi religije u preživljavanju i reprodukciji pojedinca i društva. Razlog te usmjerenosti prepoznaje se u određenosti svih navedenih pokušaja evolucijskom teorijom. Nakon uvodne uspostave problematike utilitarističkog razumijevanja religije, u prvom koraku analiziraju se odabrane teorije koje razmatraju religiju kroz odnos pojedinac – društvo (šire utilitarističko razumijevanje religije), dok se u drugom koraku promatraju teorije koje polaze od ljudskih kognitivnih mehanizama te neuronske arhitekture i procesa (uže utilitarističko razumijevanje religije). Uz shvaćanje prednosti ovih pristupa, u zaključku se upozorava na ipak ograničeno razumijevanje religije i nužnost šireg zahvaćanja tog složenog i kompleksnog fenomena.

Starting from the concept of the utilitarian understanding of religion, this paper analyzes selected contemporary theories that attempt to explain human religiosity, emphasizing that the main question of these attempts is the utility of religion for the survival and reproduction of the individual and society. The focus on this question is recognized as being influenced by evolutionary theory in all these attempts. After the introductory establishment of the issue of the utilitarian understanding of religion, the first step analyzes selected theories that examine religion in the context of the individual-society relationship (broader utilitarian understanding of religion), while the second step considers theories that start from human cognitive mechanisms and neural architecture / processes (narrow utilitarian understanding of religion). While understanding the advantages of these approaches, the conclusion points out the limited understanding of religion that these perspectives offer and the necessity of a broader approach to this complex and multifaceted concept.

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