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Religijski novinari i medijska etika

Šime Zupčić - Prethodno priopćenje
Danijel Labaš

Religious Journalists and Media Ethics

U radu se uvodno donosi teorijski i analitički presjek suvremene medijske etike, dok se u istraživačkom dijelu rada prezentiraju, raspravljaju i tumače rezultati istraživanja provedenog među članovima Hrvatskog društva katoličkih novinara i religijskim novinarima javne radiotelevizije, nacionalnih komercijalnih televizija te nacionalnih dnevnih listova. Metodom ankete istraženo je koliko su ispitanici upoznati s profesionalnim i etičkim kriterijima za novinarsko djelovanje. Autori zaključuju da ispitanici za sebe smatraju da veoma dobro poznaju postulate medijske etike i da djeluju u skladu s njima, dok za druge sudionike medijskog procesa (vlasnike, urednike, kolege novinare, publiku…) imaju drugačije, manje pozitivno mišljenje. Ispitanici također imaju veoma visoku razinu slaganja s tvrdnjom da je medijska etika potrebna suvremenom novinarstvu.

Ethical issues in the context of the media have become more important, and more relevant to many scholars (philosophers, theologians, communication scientists ...), but also to media professionals – journalists or »media practitioners« – who, on a daily basis, make decisions which have significant ethical implications. Therefore, the paper elaborates and analyzes contemporary secular media ethics, attempting to systematically introduce a representation of the contents related to ethics and morality in the field of media and journalism. In the research part paper present, discuss and interpret the results of research conducted among members of the Croatian Society of Catholic Journalists and religious journalists of public television, national commercial television and dailies. Through the survey, it was investigated to what extent the respondents were familiar with the professional and ethical criteria for journalistic activities. Broadcaster concludes that the respondents consider themselves to know very well the postulates of media ethics and act in accordance with them, while for other participants in the media process (owners, editors, fellow journalists, the audience...) they have a different, less positive opinion. Respondents also have a very high level of agreement with the statement that media ethics is necessary for modern journalism.

Naslov: 05_Religijski novinari i medijska etika.pdf
Veličina: 443.69 KB

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